Why may your order be canceled before shipment?
We may cancel the order before shipment due to any of the following reasons:
- The product or model you have ordered is Out of Stock.
- The shipping address is not serviceable.
- The order could not be shipped within the timeline specified.
- Any other reason beyond the control of our merchants or Chakan oils.
When may the order be canceled by us post shipment and delivery?
The orders may be canceled by us post shipment and delivery due to any of the following reasons:
- Any defect in the product that we cannot either replace or repair.
- The correct product was not be delivered.
- The shipping address provided was untraceable, wrong, incomplete, locked, and customer not available.
- Customer refused to take the delivery; a refund would not apply.
- Products damaged during transit and delivery are not accepted.
Caution: Please do not accept the delivery of any item whose packaging is damaged or tampered with.