Reason to Choose Chakan's Lakdi Ghana Oil
Wood-Pressed Oil, also known as Cold-Pressed Oil, is a healthy option that keeps our bodies safe and healthy while we indulge in our favorite foods.
Cold-pressed oils have a nutty flavour and assume significant importance in cooking styles. They likewise are sources of polyunsaturated fat as well as Vitamin E and nutrients, which help in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and hence shielding the liver from oxidative harm, and smothering oxidative pressure.
Cold-pressed oils have a nutty flavour and assume significant importance in cooking styles. They likewise are sources of polyunsaturated fat as well as Vitamin E and nutrients, which help in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and hence shielding the liver from oxidative harm, and smothering oxidative pressure.

Cold pressed oil will make a significant contribution to your better quality of life.
- They are free of cholesterol.
- They are not refined, deodorized or otherwise processed.
- They don’t contain any harmful solvent residues.
- Natural Standard Ghana Oil Cold Pressed Oils do not contain any preservatives or chemicals.
- They are rich in natural antioxidants like tocopherols (e.g. Vitamin E) or phosphatides (e.g. Lecithin).
- You can enjoy the natural flavors and aromas of your favorite recipes.
- High in nutrients and potent antioxidants.
- May help to reduce inflammation and protect against heart disease.
- This may be beneficial for hair, skin, or nails.
Boosts Immune System
Cold-pressed oils are a rich wellspring of oleic acids and they help support the immune system. They are rich in antioxidants also which help lessen cell harm in our body. Coconut oil of this category is a prominent example of immune system booster as the antioxidants present in them prohibit free radical damage.
Retains Healthy Elemnets
Refined oil is produced at high temperatures, which brings about the loss of antioxidant agents like tocopherols and sterols. This procedure delivers free radicals and trans fats (TFA) which are conceivably Cancer and Alzheimer causing elements. The cold-pressed process doesn’t contain any free radicals as oil is extracted at a temperature below 45°C.
High In Nutrients
Cold-pressed oils have high dietary benefits and thus readily considered as a replacement for refined oil as an option in cooking. They are reservoirs of omega 6, omega 3 unsaturated fats, lecithin, zinc, potassium, and vitamins A, C, E, D.
Helps In Maintaining Healthy Heart
Most of the cold press oil contains monosaturated fats, which are held responsible to develop levels of good HDL cholesterol. HDL a protein type that acts as a transporter for carrying cholesterol from arteries to the liver, where it is separated and discharged from the body. Coronary illness can be avoided if there is a healthy level of HDL in the body.
We must use various Indian-origin seeds and edible oils in our daily cooking.
Alternatively, you can use a different oil every month or mix the oils in the following proportion.
Normally as suggested by Ayurvedic Doctors: In our daily cooking one must use a variety of wooden churned Indian origin Edible oils like: Groundnut Oil, Sesame Oil, Kardai Oil, Coconut Oil, Flaxseed Oil etc..
Alternately use or mix the oils in the following proportions:
Thus, using a mixed variety of oils can provide a complete, balanced diet.
Note: - Oil & ghee should always be stored in stainless steel containers or glass vessels.